
Amor Telehealth Center, Inc (ATC) is a 501(c)(3), non-profit charitable organization of professionals such as physicians, advance practice professionals, nurses, and hospital administrators. ATC uses computers for patients and doctors to see and talk with one another. We want to help people throughout Oklahoma receive medical care. Cities, towns, and rural areas don’t have all the health care needed. ATC wants to care for those in this situation. We want to work with faith-based groups that will allow us to install computers and other equipment at their location. Individuals will have an appointment with personnel.

ATC is a Christian ministry.

A volunteer health professional will help the patient contact a physician using the computer from where the patient is located. The physician will use a similar computer system to communicate with and examine the patient.

If the physician needs help with diagnosis a nurse at the originating site will act as the physician’s hands and describe to the physician what they find. The physician will diagnose the problem, develop a treatment plan, and prescribe medications.

The Need for Accessible Healthcare

As acute as the need for adequate health care is, the need for kingdom work in Oklahoma, the United States, and around the world remains the greatest need of mankind. 

With that in mind, ATC strives to share the love of Christ, his salvation, and hope as a model for health and well-being.

doctor with feamle patient

Mission, Values and Vision

  • Mission: To provide exceptional healthcare to medically underserved Oklahomans using face-to-face technology.
  • Values: Love, Integrity, Faith, Excellence and Professionalism
  • Vision: To serve the healthcare needs of the most medically vulnerable Oklahomans by enhancing access to high-quality care through technology.

Why Access to Comprehensive Quality Healthcare

Access to comprehensive, quality, and timely healthcare services is important for promoting and maintaining health, preventing, and managing chronic diseases, reducing unnecessary disability and premature death, and achieving health equity to all Oklahomans regardless of zip code.

Access to healthcare services means the timely use of personal health services to achieve the best health outcomes. Further, by providing compassionate comprehensive healthcare, the ability to function as a gospel-centric organization will be enhanced.
